
Ghasem Hajizadeh

"Timeless Figures"

du 6 au 16 octobre 2022, Paris

Curated by Leila Varasteh

en collaboration avec la galerie Mark Hachem
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The Mark Hachem Gallery and the Simine Paris platform have come together to offer the TIMELESS FIGURES Exhibition, a retrospective of paintings by Iranian artist Ghasem Hajizadeh which, in view of the historical aspect of his considerable work paired with the strength of his representations, touches both the Eastern and Western public.

This exhibition presents a series of portraits in the heart of the artist’s world, marked by a “Mystical Iran”.
The name “TIMELESS FIGURES” suggests a journey into the timeless world of Ghasem Hajizadeh, where the figures of women and men with multiple identities are mixed. At the heart of this series is the question of identity.

Pourquoi nous maintenons cette Exposition

L’exposition TIMELESS FIGURES de Ghasem Hajizadeh organisée avec la Galerie Mark Hachem est prévue de longue date. Bien avant les événements tragiques qui se passent en Iran.

La question s’est posée pour nous, à l’instar de beaucoup de galeries, d’annuler cette exposition en solidarité avec nos frères, nos sœurs, et nos compatriotes, les femmes et le peuple iranien.

Rien n’égalera le courage de ces femmes et ces hommes qui dans la République Islamique d’Iran, sortent de chez eux pour manifester et défendre leurs droits les plus élémentaires, celui en premier pour les femmes, de ne pas être soumises à la loi des hommes, de porter ou ne pas porter le voile, de vivre libre, d’avoir le choix.

Nous comprenons que certains en solidarité décident d’annuler des manifestations artistiques.

Nous, nous pensons que puisque la liberté nous est donnée ici en France de vivre libre, de parler, de voir, de montrer, nous nous devons de saisir les occasions de parler de l’Iran, des Iraniens, de leurs vies, de leurs artistes, de la situation qu’ils vivent, de Mahsa Amini et de tant d’autres.

Nous maintenons donc l’Exposition TIMELESS FIGURES qui nous offre cette occasion et celle aussi d’un voyage dans le temps d’avant, de l’Iran vu par Ghasem Hajizadeh, peintre libre et avant-garde, qui a peint tant de portraits de femmes iraniennes dans ce qu’elles ont de belles, de courageuses, de modernes et assoiffées de liberté.

Why have we decided not to cancel this Exhibition

The exhibition TIMELESS FIGURES by Ghasem Hajizadeh organized with the Mark Hachem Gallery has been planned for a long time. Long before the tragic events happening in Iran.

The question arose for us, like many galleries, to cancel this exhibition in solidarity with our brothers, our sisters, and our compatriots, the women and the Iranian people.

Nothing will equal the courage of these women and men who in the Islamic Republic of Iran, come out of their homes to demonstrate and defend their most basic rights, first and foremost for women, not to be subject to the law of men, to wear or not to wear the veil, to live free, to have a choice.

We understand that some in solidarity decide to cancel artistic events.

We think that since the freedom is given to us here in France to live free, to speak, to see, to show, we must seize the opportunities to talk about Iran, Iranians, their lives, their artists, of the situation they live in, of Mahsa Amini and so many others.

We are therefore maintaining the TIMELESS FIGURES Exhibition which offers us this opportunity and also that of a trip back in time, of Iran seen by Ghasem Hajizadeh, a free and avant-garde painter, who painted so many portraits of Iranian women in all that they have that is beautiful, courageous, modern and thirsty for freedom.

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Expo Ghasem Hajizadeh "Timeless Figures"

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