
Asia Now! 2022

du 20 au 23 octobre 2022, Paris

Curated by Leila Varasteh

en collaboration avec la galerie Sahar K. Boluki
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Sahar K. Boluki Gallery and the Simine Paris platform have come together to offer a collection of artworks from artists Sirak Melkonian and Navid Azimi Sajjadi.

Sirak Melkonian is an Iranian Artist born in 1931 and is considered the pioneer of Iranian modernism.

Navid Azimi Sajadi is an Iranian Artist born in 1982. For Asia Now, he is presenting five of his “Nocturnal” series that include ceramic jars created using Slipware Painting and Sgraffito techniques.

We would be delighted to welcome you at our booth R07 at the Cours des Remises Pavilion of the Monnaie de Paris from

20 to the 23rd October 2022.

11:00 am -08:00 pm

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Sirak Melkonian

Sirak Melkonian is an Iranian Artist born in 1931 in Tehran. Melkonian has exhibited his work in over 140 exhibitions worldwide, from Tehran to Paris, New York to Yerevan. His works can be found in major public and private international collections. He immigrated to Canada in 1992 where he currently lives and works.

Sirak Melkonian is considered the pioneer of Iranian modernism: In the early 70s, Melkonian founded the Azad Art Group with six other important artists living and working in Iran at the time (Momayez, Pilaram, Namy, Marco, Arabshahy, and Zenederoudy). The Azad Group was introduced formally at the Tehran International Art Fair in 1974, pushing the boundaries and understanding of conceptual art and installation works in Iran.

Sirak Melkonian’s work presented here is a powerful combination of abstract lines and forms and limited yet powerful colors which evoke landscapes creating a captivating sense of unlimited space in an unlimited universe.

Navid Azimi Sajjadi

Navid Azimi Sajadi is an Iranian Artist born in Tehran in 1982. He gained a bachelor of art in painting from Tehran Art and Architecture University in 2005. The same year he moved to Rome. In Italy, he graduated from Accademia di Belli Arti di Roma in 2009. He was awarded the Amedeo Modigliani Foundation prize in 2009. He gained his Master of Fine Art in Multi-Media Sculpture in 2013 from Accademia di Belle Arti di Roma, and in the same year, he was invited to the 9th Shanghai Biennale.

For Asia Now, he is presenting five of his “Nocturnal” series that include ceramic jars created using Slipware Painting and Sgraffito techniques, in two sizes, H 50cm x D 25cm and H 35cm x D 17cm. On the surface of the works, several white Slipware layers have been created and scratched over dark layers, gradually creating an almost three-dimensional image over the body of the works.

The images have been inspired by European and Byzantine Middle-Age imagery, Seljuk ceramics, and sixteenth[1]century alchemy symbolism. Moreover, these pieces have clear allusions to Red Figure, Black Figure Greek Pottery, and include esoteric and animal imagery as well as iconic iconoclast expressions

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Expo Asia Now! 2022

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