Keivan Biranvand (K1) - Iranian sculptor

Keyvan Beiranvand

Né en 1981
, Iran

Keivan Beiranvand est un artiste iranien né en 1981. Il est diplomé de Beaux Arts en peinture. Il a été formé à la technique de sculpture sous la direction du sculpteur iranien mondialement réputé et fondateur du mouvement néo-traditionaliste, Parviz Tanavoli.

Il a gagné de nombreux prix et notamment "The Urban sculpture Design Choice" de Téhéran de 2013 et "Holding the Statue of the Man and the Book"in the Book Park, Téhéran 2013. Il vit et travaille en Iran.

Les Expositions

Solo Exhibitions:

Golestan Gallery Exhibitions, April 2014
Golestan Gallery Exhibitions, May 2014

Group Exhibitions:

January The First Exhibition of Contemporary Jewelry, Tehran
January Seven Visions, Cultural Center & Garden of Niavaran, Tehran

December Vision Gallery, Tehran
December Three Generations of Iranian Contemporary Sculptors, Naghsh-e Sales Gallery, Tehran
September Sculptures and Paintings, Mah Art Gallery, Tehran

November Seven Visions, Cultural Center & Garden of Niavaran, Tehran
November “A Hundred Works and A Hundred Artists”, Golestan Gallery, Tehran
March Exhibition of Iranian Artists’ Forum, Tehran
Sharveh’s Festival, Art and Cultural Institute, Tehran

October Seven Visions, Cultural Center & Garden of Niavaran, Tehran
October The United Nations’ Exhibition for the World Food Day, Cultural Center & Garden of Niavaran, Tehran
August “A Hundred Works and A Hundred Artists”, Golestan Gallery, Tehran
March Exhibition of Sculpture, Galerie Nicolas Flamel, Paris
The Auction of the Popli Khalatbari Charitable Foundation (PKCF), London

December Selected Works for the Urban Sculpture Design, Tehran
December Figurative Exhibition, Association of Iranian Sculptors, Tehran
September Association of Iranian Sculptors (stone and wood), Iranian Artists’ Forum, Tehran
September “A Hundred Works and A Hundred Artists”, Golestan Gallery, Tehran
August Association of Iranian Sculptors, Iranian Artists’ Forum, Tehran

Keyvan Beiranvand

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Keyvan Beiranvand



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