Farideh Lashai - Artist Profile Picture

Farideh Lashai

Né en 1944
, Iran

Farideh Lashai est l'une des artistes et figures féminines les plus éminentes de la période moderne iranienne. Après des études de littérature à Munich, elle étudie à l'Académie des Arts Appliqués de Vienne.

Depuis sa première exposition en 1968 qui portait sur ses oeuvres en cristal présentées aux côtés de Claus Riedel à Milan, Farideh Lashai a été largement exposée dans le monde: de l'Art Basel en 1978 à la Biennale de Sydney, la Biennale de Moscou et la Biennale de Venise.

Plusieurs rétrospectives posthumes de son travail ont été organisées dont celle commune du musée des Beaux-Arts de Gand, le Museo Nacional del Prado et le British Museum, plaçant l'oeuvre de Lashai aux côtés de celle de Francisco Goya.

Les Expositions

Farideh Lashai | 1944-2013 | Rasht, Iran – Tehran, Iran
BA, German Literature, University of Frankfurt, Frankfurt, Germany
BFA, Crystal Design and Carving, University of Applied Arts, Vienna, Austria
2022 Farideh Lashai: Afloat Over Undulations, curated by Sam Samiee, Manarat Al
Saadiyat, Abu Dhabi art, Abu Dhabi, UAE
2019 Farideh Lashai. A Land Called Ideoslogy, curated by Paloma Martin Llopis,
Tabacalera Promocion Del Arte, Madrid, Spain
2017 On Violence and Beauty: Reflections on War, curated by Venetia Porter, British
Museum, London, UK
La Obra Invitada: Farideh Lashai, Cuando cuento estás solo tú… pero cuando miro
hay solo una sombra, curated by Ana Martinez de Aguilar, Prado Museum,
Madrid, Spain
Eyewitness: Farncisco Goya & Farideh Lashai, curated by Catherine de Zegher,
Museum of Fine Art Ghent, Ghent, Belgium
Between Motion/and the Act/Falls the Shadow, curated by Paloma Martin Llopis,
Edward Tyler Nahem Gallery, Madrid, Spain
2016 Farideh Lashai Retrospective, curated by Sheikha Hoor Al Qasimi, Sharjah Art
Foundation, Sharjah, UAE
2015 Towards the Ineffable: Farideh Lashai, curated by Germano Celant and Faryar
Javaherian, Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art, Tehran, Iran
Only a Shadow, curated by Lisa Fischman, Davis Museum, Wellesley College,
Boston, USA
2013 Thus in Silence in Dreams' Projections, Leila Heller Gallery, New York, USA
It is It, and It is Only Now..., Edward Tyler Nahem Gallery, New York, USA
In Memory of Farideh Lashai (1944-2013): An Exhibition Honoring the Life and
Work of Farideh Lashai, Farjam Foundation, Dubai, UAE
In Memory of Farideh Lashai: Between the act / And the motion / Falls the Shadow,
Art Dubai Projects, Art Dubai, UAE
Catching The Moon, Book Launch and Exhibition, JAMM Gallery, Dubai, UAE
2012 Between the act / And the motion/ Falls the Shadow, curated by Ali Bakhtiari,
presented by Magic of Persia, Saatchi Gallery, London, UK
2010 Rabbit in Wonderland, Isabelle van Den Eynde, Dubai, UAE
2009 Rafia Gallery, Damascus, Syria
i don’t want to be a tree, i want to be its meaning, Art Dubai, Albareh Gallery
Dubai, UAE
2008 i don’t want to be a tree, i want to be its meaning, Contemporary Istanbul Art
Fair, Istanbul, Turkey
2001 Farideh Lashai, Cultural Center, Barcelona, Spain
1998 Espace Galant, Avignon, France
Chapelle De l Hôtel de Ville, Vesoul, France

1994 Golestan Gallery, Tehran, Iran
1993 Gallery Aum Hufeisen, Dusseldorf, Germany
1992 Golestan Gallery, Tehran, Iran
1990 Libertas Gallery, Dusseldorf, Germany
1988 Gallery Demenga, Basel, Switzerland
1987 National Museum of Fine Arts, La Valletta, Malta
Demenga Gallery, Basel, Switzerland
Golestan Gallery, Tehran, Iran
Classic Gallery, Tehran, Iran
1984 Clark Gallery, Bakersfield, USA
1977 Cultural Center of the National Iranian Oil Company, Khoozestan, Iran
1976 Tehran Gallery, Tehran, Iran
1975 Iran-America Society, Tehran, Iran
1974 Tehran Gallery, Tehran, Iran
1973 Sayhoon Gallery, Tehran, Iran
1968 Studio Rosenthal, Selb, Germany
1967 Gallerie Duomo, Milan, Italy
2023 Another Birth, curated by Sanza Askari, Dubai, UAE
2022 In the Heart of Another Country, the Diasporic Imagination in the
Sharjah Art Foundation Collection, curated by Omar Kholeif, Deichtorhallen
Humburg, Germany
Art Dubai Modern, Sam Bardaouil and Till Fellrath, Leila Heller Gallery,
Dubai, UAE
2021 Hungry for time: An invitation to epistemic disobedience, curated by Raqs Media
Collective (Jeebesh Bagchi, Monica Narula, Shuddhabrata Sengupta), in the art
collections of the academy of fine arts, Vienna, Austria
ASIA NOW, curated by Nicolas Bourriaud, Paris Asian Art, Paris, France
Epic Iran, curated by Tim Stanley and Dr John Curtis OBE FBA as
CoCurators; Ina Sarikhani Sandmann as Associate Curator; Sarah Piram as
V&A Project Curator; Alexandra Magub as V&A Project Assistant; and Astrid
Johansen as Cultural Heritage Manager, Iran Heritage Foundation, Victoria
and Albert Museum, London, UK
Reflections: contemporary art of the Middle East and North Africa, curated by
Venetia Porter, London, England
When I Count, There Are Only You…, curated by Hoor Al Qasimi, Sharjah Art
Foundation, Sharjah, UAE
2020 Between the Sun and the Moon, Lahore Biennale (LB02), curated by Hoor Al
Qasimi, Lahore, Pakistan
2020 ARCOmadrid International Contemporary Art Fair, Madrid, Spain
2019 The Spark Is You: Parasol unit in Venice, Collateral Event of the 58th
International Art Exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia, Conservatorio di Musica
Benedetto Marcello di Venezia, Venice, Italy
Moon: A Voyage Through Time, curated by Christiane Gruber, Agha Khan
Museum, Toronto, Canada

2017 Iranian Picnic, curated by Faryar Javaherian, Golestan Palace, Tehran, Iran
2016 Frozen World of the Familiar Stranger, curated by Heidi Rabben and Sitara
Chowfla, Kadist, San Francisco / KHOJ International Artists’ Association, New
Delhi, India
2015 New Presentation of Modern Collection, Centre Pompidou, Paris, France
Islamic Art Now, curated by Linda Kamroff, LACMA, Los Angeles, USA
Great Game, curated by Marco Meneguzzo and Mazdak Faiznia, 56th
International Art Exhibition, la Biennale Arte di Venezia, Venice, Italy
2013 Bolshe Sveta / More Light, 5th Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art, curated
by Catherine de Zegher, Moscow, Russia
Calligraffiti 1984/2013, Leila Heller Gallery, New York, USA
2012 all our relations, curated by Catherine de Zegher and Gerard McMaster, 18th
Biennale of Sydney, Australia
The Elephant in the Dark, curated by Amirali Ghasemi, Devi Art Foundation,
Delhi, India
ARCOmadrid International Contemporary Art Fair, Edward Tyler Nahem Gallery,
Madrid, Spain
Zona Maco Mexico Arte Contemporaneo Art Fair, Mexico City, Mexico
2011 Identity Crisis: Authenticity, Attribution and Appropriation, The Heckscher Museum
of Art
Regarding Iran the apparent acquiescence of conceptual poetic, curated by
Shaheen Merali, Guild Art Gallery, Mumbai, India
Art Dubai, Leila Heller Gallery, New York, USA
2010 Hope!, curated by Ashok Adiceam, Palais des Arts, Dinard, France
Art Dubai, Isabelle van Den Eynde Gallery, Dubai, UAE
2009 Iran Inside Out, curated by Sam Bardaouil and Till Fellrath, DePaul University
Art Museum, Chicago, USA
Iran Inside Out, curated by Sam Bardaouil and Till Fellrath, Chelsea Art
Museum, New York, USA
Selseleh/Zelzeleh: Movers & Shakers in Contemporary Iranian Art, curated by
Layla Diba, Leila Heller Gallery, New York, USA
101: Oil & Its Aftermath- Politics, Modernism, Society, Environment-Group, Assar
Gallery, Tehran
Across the Persian Gulf, curated by Charles Merewhether, Hong Kong
International Art Fair, Hong Kong
Movers and Shakers in Iranian Contemporary Art, curated by Layla Diba, Leila
Heller Gallery, New York, USA
Abu Dhabi Art Fair
2008 Conference of the Birds Exhibition, Berardi & Sagharchi Projects, London, UK
Just Paper, Leila Heller Gallery, New York, USA
2007 Warsaw Museum, Warsaw, Poland
2006 Cultural Foundation, Abu Dhabi, UAE

Persja Two Swiaty Galleries, Karkow, Poland
2005 Ludwig Museum, Koblenz, Germany
2004 Persian Gardens, curated by Faryar Javaherian, Tehran Museum of
Contemporary Art, Tehran, Iran
2003 Liu-Haisu Art Museum, Shanghai, China
Yan-Huang Art Museum, Beijing, China
Hubei Art Museum, Wuhan, China
Kokkola Museum, Kokkola, Finland
Festival Femmes en Iran, Evry City Hall, Evry, France
Haagse Kunstkring Gallery, Den Haag, the Netherlands
Caisa Cultural Center, Helsinki, Finland
Sala Uno Gallery, Rome, Italy
City Hall Gallery, Radhuset, Oslo, Norway
Esfahan Museum of Contemporary Art, Esfahan, Iran
2002 Iranian Contemporary, Christie s King Street, London, UK
Villa del Cardinale, Naples, Italy
Fabien Fryns Fine Arts, Marbella, Spain
Palazzo Reale di Napoli, Naples, Italy
Vigado Gallery, Budapest, Hungary
Cultural Center, Berlin, Germany
2001-2003 A Breeze from the Gardens of Persia, New Art from Iran, Traveling exhibition,
Meridian International Center, Washington DC, New York, Belleville Illinois,
Los Angeles, Atlanta, Texas, Florida
2001 Amber Gallery, East-West Foundation, Leiden, the Netherlands
2000 Museum of Fine Arts, Caracas, Venezuela
Rome Expo, Rome, Italy
International Drawing, Biennial, Tehran, Iran
1999 9th Asian Art Biennale, Bangladesh
1997 Shilpakala Academy, Biennial, Dacca, Bangladesh
1996 Meeting of Korea-Germany, Korea
1978 Art Basel, Basel, Switzerland
1975 Four Women Artists Exhibition, Iran-America Society, Tehran, Iran
1977 Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art, Tehran
1971 Iranian Women Artists International, Tehran, Iran
International Exhibition of Tehran (as a member of the Austrian Pavilion),
Tehran, Iran
1968 International Young Artists, Ostend, Belgium
Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art, Tehran, Iran
Centre Pompidou, Paris, France
Sharjah Art Foundation, Sharjah, UAE
Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Los Angeles, USA
British Museum, London, UK

National Museum of Fine Arts, Valetta, Malta,
Abu Dhabi Department of Culture and Tourism, Abu Dhabi, UAE
Jordan National Gallery of Fine Arts, Jordan
Devi Art Foundation in New Delhi, India
Farjam Collection, Dubai, UAE
Demenga Galleries Public Collection, Basel, Switzerland
Central Bank of Iran, Tehran, Iran
Deutsche Bank, Berlin, Frankfurt, Düsseldorf, Germany
Credit Suisse, Geneva, Dubai offices, UAE
Lashai, Farideh, Shal Bamoo(Biographical Novel), Tehran, Baztab Negar, 2008
Ginzburg, Natalia, Whispers of the Night, translated from Italian into Farsi by Farideh Lashai,
Tehran, Digar, 1999
Vassilikos, Vassillis, Z, translation from English into Farsi by Farideh Lashai, Tehran,
Shabahang, 1979
Morris, Edita, Flowers of Hiroshima, translation from English into Farsi by Farideh Lashai,
Tehran, Agah, 1978
Brecht, Dertoldt, The Days of Commune, translation from German into Farsi by Farideh
Lashai, Tehran, Shabahang, 1978
Brecht, Bertoldt, Mr. Puntila and his man Matti, translation from German into Farsi Farideh
Lashai, Tehran, Zaman, 1970
Brecht, Bertoldt, The Good Person of Szechwan, translation from German into Farsi by Farideh
Lashai, Tehran, Javaneh, 1968

Farideh Lashai

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Farideh Lashai



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